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Jadwal latihan ALDEBARAN

Pengin latihan bareng kita di ALDEBARAN? Cari tau jadwalnya yuk!

ALDEBARAN upper body training

Saatnya upper body day! Cek detail latihan rutinnya disini!

Rest and Recovery Day

Rest day tak harus membosankan. Just enjoy it!

We care about lower body too! Check here to get ripped!

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Saturday, May 24, 2014


As we get stronger and start getting used to the same exercises, we learn that we have to  evolve. Make it harder by extending the repetitions, cutting the rest time, change with another exercise which is harder, or supersetted few exercises. Otherwise our muscle will plateau. To find out what plateau is, the symptoms, and how to break it into action right away, click here.

Back to the topic talk about lower body training that we do on Aldebaran, i will break it down the list right now:

30 side crunch EACH SIDE
15 leg raise (to bar lebih bagus)
superset (40 oblique crunch EACH SIDE + 50 russian twist)
15 knee raise kick 

7 side lift EACH SIDE (like leg raise but lift it to your side) last rep hold position for 10 second
20 windshield wiper
1 menit plank shake
1 menit side plank shake side EACH SIDE

Rest between exercise 20 sec
Rest between set 2 min
3 set or more

superset (10 squat +10 squat jump forward and back)
10 pistol squat EACH LEG
12 jumping lunge
8 kneeling jump
50 meters sprint
15 one leg calf raise EACH LEG
Rest between exercise 20 sec
Rest between set 2 min
3 set or more

That's it guys. We'll do some experiments later when we start getting used to it.